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Download your copy today!

This CMA template includes:Zurple-CMA-tool

  • A CMA report introduction 
  • Benefits of working with an agent
  • Formulas & graphs for suggested list price
  • A customizable letter to the seller


  1. Download the PowerPoint file.
  2. Customize the footer of each slide from the Slide Master with your logo, photo, and contact information.
  3. Insert your comparable listings and data.
  4. Customize your value proposition letter to the seller.
  5. Customize each subsequent area with yellow highlighted text.

    Pro Tip: 
    Want to really wow your contacts? Print out this PowerPoint as "Print 1 slide per page" then place each slide together into a presentation folder. Allow leads to keep a copy, so they keep you in mind when choosing an agent. 

Bob Testimonial
"Zurple is different. Because of their built-in behavioral marketing automation, the system doesn't just manage leads, it develops relationships."
-Bob M., Zurple Customer & Driven Real Estate Agent